„Observarea de sine”
In June 2013, Regina gave a televised talk at the Open Heart teahouse in Brasov.
In a special setting, above the city, our hosts, Alina Focsa (Open Heart) and Andreea Chiriac from TVS Television Brasov, received Regina and provided the framework for this exceptional presentation.
We are happy to share with you the last book project, make Good Company. This year we translated and published the "Self Observation" book, a transformational and a valuable book, considered a unique contribution to the scholarly literature about the Fourth Way. We wanted to make this book accessible to the romanian public out of love for people, teaching and truth.
"Know yourseld" is an ancient precept about spiritual awakening. Observation of the self is the path by which we come to this knowledge.
We are happy and honored to announce Regina Sara Ryan’s presence in Romania in June 2013, for a series of events on personal development and spiritual development topics.
Feel free to read our participants impressions after "Real Wisdom for Real People - Concious Parenting & Concious Relathionships” seminar that took place during 3-5 august at Seeds for Happiness center.
A letter we received from our dear friend Claus Kostka, about what it means in his opinion a community. With this article, our message and intention is to ofer openness and vision about comunity as a sanctuary and space for inner transformation, in which we can became vulnerable, where we can be ourselves to create real and honest connection with those near us.
Are you satisfied with the world you live in or you would like things to stay different? The ideal world that we all long for can become a reality. For some it is already a reality, and we are glad that we have the opportunity to learn from them how we can have conscious relations with us, with others, with the world. We want others to assume responsibility towards us and the environment in which we all live, but we know what that truly means? Change actually starts with you. Listen to your true self!
Tuesday 5th of June, Regina was invited to participated to a cultural TV show called 'Cultural Journal' broadcasted by TVR Cultural. Regina spoke about her visits to Romania and about 3 of her books. Here you can watch a part of this show.
You can also listen to Regina on Sunday at Radio Guerilla where she was invited to participated to the radio show 'The voices of the Movies' hosted by Irina Margareta Nistor, between 11 and 12 o'clock. http://www.radioguerrilla.ro/live
Claus sent us a wise and inspiring story, about how nothing is random in life and everything happens for a reason which we cannot understand at all times. This short story full of wisdom, shows us that there is a subtle part of existence and everything is part of a perfect plan.
To pray dangerously, then, is to willingly expose ourselves to the undoing of our illusions, and to the disruption of our polite and highly-controlled means of existence. It is to throw ourselves voluntarily into the arena. It is to lay down our peace of mind so that our hunger for truth can grow. It is to lay down our peace of mind because the peace we have achieved has been a false one. It is to lay ourselves open to the chaos so that the chaos may be redeemed, or blessed. Prayer is dangerous because it undoes everything.
Regina Sara Ryan will come to Romania between 31 May and 11 June 2012 for a pilgrimage to the monasteries of Dobrogea. She will join us in a series of events among which two seminars in Bucharest: "Praying Dangerously" and "Invitation to the Here an Now". Regina visited us since 2009, she is a apiritual friend from whom we cand learn a lot and we can share with her our deepest intentions and spirituls visions in life.