„Observarea de sine”
The Family Constellation workshop is designed for individuals or couples who want to solve important life problems and who are looking to find a free ground for the evolution of their existence. The participants will have revealing experiences and deep healing concerning the nature of illnesses, personal problems and relationships between the generations.
Each of us lives in a family system. This system consists of people – spouses, domestic partners, parents and all the rest of a person’s forebears – and is shaped by our individual cultural heritage.
Much of our suffering is directly related to events which happened in the past of our families and to the deeds of our forefathers. It is important to see that the family is a system that requires balance and love in order to flourish, exactly as nature needs.
When the order of love in a family is disrupted, the generations that follow will suffer and may become chained to a destiny which is not really theirs, which will prevent them to follow their own true life. Many of us live this way without realizing it and without recognizing that we are repeating the fates of other family members.
As long as we haven’t found ‘our own lives’, we cannot begin to realize our potential in any satisfying way. Until we can unlock our inner potential, it is impossible to satisfy our soul’s longing and find inner peace. The Family Constellation seminar provides us with the opportunity to stop the unending circle of repetitive actions we do, although we know we should act differently.
The benefits of the workshop:
The Family Constellation workshop is addressed to those who wish to bring more harmony and balance in their lives, it will help the participant in the following ways:
- to solve misunderstandings and disruptions in couple or family
- to stop the cycle of abuse, violence and alienation in the family
- to work with difficulties in raising children, to heal painful family situations (divorce, unique
parent, pregnancy loss, miscarriage, infertility, adoption/custody)
- to discover the reasons for physical and emotional suffering and to begin the healing
process (e.g. migraines, asthma, food problems, depression, phobias, panic attacks,
suicidal tendencies, drugs and alcohol abuse)
- to work on existing professional conflicts in their lives
- to find equilibrium in the face of serious illness or death
- to find their good place in life
What is happening in the seminar:
In this seminar each participant who you wants to work with his family will be asked which is his deepest heart desire. There is no need for a lot of information. The therapist will ask some questions concerning biographical facts of parents, grandparents, partners or situations, depending on what system is picked to be worked with. The participant will start choosing other people from the seminar to represent the members of his family. He/She will reposition them intuitively in space. Once they are positioned, they start to connect to the 'knowing field' and act as if they would energetically know the represented persons. If some representatives will not feel good in their initial positions, it may be an indication that the system is not balanced.
The therapist will slowly rearrange the representatives in space with great care, respect and attentiveness until a solution is found. Solution in this case means, that everybody will feel at his or her place and relax. The entire group will experience this solution as something impressive and transformational. Specific archetypical phrases and actions will be suggested by the therapist in order to help the reconciliation to happen. This is the moment when the soul starts to dance and sing again.
When the harmony of the family system is reestablished, there is a deep experience like when you say with all your heart:"So it is good for me!".
Studies made over time in such seminars conducted around the world have shown an amazing opportunity, which should be carefully studied: love is the same regardless of the culture in which you were born, European, Asian, African or Islamic.
These events are also addressed to therapists, psychologists, social assistants, doctors and those working in the field of health, who will have the opportunity to improve their own professional practice by this effective method.
To learn more about Claus, visit this page.
We invite you to enter into the unique world of Family Constellations facilitated by Claus Kostka in Romania. You can sign up for these seminars with international participation as a full participant, as an observer or as a guest at the introductory evening.The "Family Constellation" seminar provides us with the opportunity to restore the order of love in our family and to stop the endless circle of actions we keep repeating, although we know we should not do it.
26 July 2013 - 28 July 2013
Seminar costs:
â–º Participants: 850 Ron
â–º Observers: 315 Ron
â–º Guests: 40 Ron
Seminar schedule:
â–º Friday, 26 July 2013 19:00 - 22:00
â–º Saturday, 27 July 2013 09:00 - 21:00
â–º Sunday, 28 July 2013 09:00 - 19:00
During the seminar there will be short breaks when we offer coffee, tea, fruits and cakes. Lunch break will be approximately between 13: 00 - 15: 00. Lunch is not included in the cost of the seminar.
The seminar is open to international participation, it is held in English and translated into Romanian language. English or Romanian speaking participants are welcome to come. Communication can take place in both languages. People who come from abroad can be helped by the organizers in planning their trip (transport, accommodation, information).
Participants are individuals who will carry out their own family constellation. They will have enough time to work with their family system and they may be asked to assist during the seminar as representatives in other constellations.
Observers are individuals who will participate in this seminar, but will not work on their family system. They might be asked to help in the workshop as representatives in constellations. Regardless of whether or not they will act as representatives, they will participate actively and they will be able to find in this seminar new perspectives on their own life circumstances.
Guests are the persons who will participate only during the introductory evening. They will get more information about the theoretical and practical method of this work and about how a constellation is carried out. If guests wish to participate in the entire seminar as an observer or participant, they will have to pay only the difference between the guest cost and the observer or participant cost.
In order to book your place in the seminar, we request an advance payment of 300 Ron for participants and 100 Ron for observers. The advance payment is nonrefundable if the intention to no longer participate is communicated to the organizer with less than 20 days prior to the workshop. The advance payment will be transferred to the next similar event if this is requested with at least 10 days before the seminar, or if the failure to participate is due to fortuitous circumstances. If the intention to no longer participate is communicated with less than 10 days before to the seminar, we cannot guarantee that your place in the seminar can be transfered to another person, so we can no longer guarantee that your advance payment can be transferred to another event.
Bookings made before 26 June 2013 will receive a 10% discount.
Book your seat in advance, the seminar is limited to a total of 18 participants and 18 observers!
Below you can register online. You will receive more details about the participation by email.
If there are no places available and you would like to participate in this seminar, you can sign up on the waiting list. We will contact you by phone to provide you with the opportunity to register in case seats will turn out later to be available due to cancelation of other participants. Registration on the waiting list does not guarantee that you will be able to have a place reserved at the seminar but offers you priority in registration if seats become available.
Organizer: Oana Ionescu.
Using this form you can get in touch with Oana for seminar details. You will receive an answer as soon as possible.
Centrul Seeds for Happiness
Street. Fabrica de Chibrituri no. 16, Sector 4, Bucharest
Near Park Carol Area - Filaret bus station
How to get by public transport:
- Tram 7, route Unirii Square- Progresu
- Bus 232, route Unirii Square - Sudului Square - Bld. Alex Obregia
This therapy (family constellation) conducted with so much love and skillfulness by Claus is fundamentally different from other psychotherapies.
First of all, by the wonderful illustration of the rule “words move, examples pullâ€. Thus, in only one session of therapy, a person can see, sense and hear approx 30 real life situations, I underline real life, without any make up or intervention from anyone. Hence the extraordinary force of such examples full of life even if some of the situations have taken place many, many years ago.
The second great merit of the family constellation is the fact that neither the therapist nor third parties impose subjective, so called savior solutions in the life plan of the subject. Thus him, the subject, after having seen the real “example†that has happened in his family with its effects and repercussions on his own psyche, is helped and with his own effort will eliminate the harmful causes and in this way will return to a normal life.
Through this therapy we, the patients, clearly and much more easily understand how to communicate with all our partners (life partners or others) meaning not trying to force them to accept having our life plan totally or partially overlap with their own. Thus we as well as them will attain a so longed for peace of mind.
M. wrote on 12 July 2013
Nu ?tiu cum func?ioneaz? dar ?tiu c? func?ioneaz?… sau mai correct spus, simt ?i v?d c? func?ioneaz?. Și m? surprinde cat de mult m? reg?sesc în diverse constela?ii, care la prima vedere, nu au nici o leg?tur? cu mine. Din acest motiv am revenit ?i voi continu? s? particip. Cred c? am foarte multe de în?eles ?i de înv??at ?i aceast? metod?, condus? de Claus, care are un dar special în acest sens, m? ajut? foarte mult.
M? bucur ?i sunt recunosc?toare c? am avut ?ansa ?i deschiderea s? particip la prima sesiune de constela?ii. Sunt sigur? c? voi continua.
Mul?umesc Claus ?i mul?umesc tuturor celor care fac posibile aceste experien?e.
D, manager marketing si vanzari wrote on 23 February 2013
Seminarul Constelatia familiei mi-a fost de ajutor atat in plan personal, cat si in plan professional pentru ca m-a ajutat sa stabilesc legaturi mai calde si mai autentice cu cei din jurul meu.
In acelasi timp mi-au aratat mai clar in ce arii ale vietii mele am de lucrat si care ar fi drumul pe care sa merg ca sa imi ating obiectivele.
Este o modalitate profunda de a invata cine esti pastrand contactul cu realitatea.
M., trainer wrote on 23 February 2013
Constela?iile familiale sunt cea mai eficient? forma de terapie pe care am avut ocazia s? o fac sau de care am auzit. Nu sunt multe vorbe, în schimb fondul, esen?a problemelor unui sistem rela?ional, inaccesibile cunoa?terii ra?ionale, intelectuale, con?tiente de multe ori, pentru c? suntem atât de pu?in obi?nui?i s? ne întâlnim si s? ne cunoa?tem sufletele, ies la iveal? ajutându-ne nu doar s? con?tientiz?m ce este în neregul?, dar, în mod minunat, aceast? metoda de lucru permite ?i armonizarea unor astfel de sisteme.
Rezultatele se v?d începând imediat dar vindecarea continu? timp de s?pt?mâni ?i chiar luni de zile, aducând beneficii semnificative în via?a unui participant.
I., economist wrote on 23 February 2013
Multe mul?umiri ?i recuno?tin?? pentru organizarea seminarului.
O., inginer wrote on 23 February 2013
This method and seminar is one of the most powerful experience of self-discovering. I appreciate Claus as an excellent facilitator in this journey, very qualified and competent. During the seminar I felt curious and have to discover myself. I found out the few answers to my questions and I feel encouraged to continuo this experience. Also, I learned a lot from Claus and I received new perspectives which help me to obtain even a better life for myself and my beloved.
Thank you Claus and Oana for being so considered with all participants.
B., sociolog wrote on 23 February 2013
Trairi interesante, de o intensitate enorm?, energie mult?, inimi deschise, schimbarea destinelor.
Totul este magic ca într-o poveste ce devine cu pa?i mici adev?rat?.
M? închin în fata ta Maestre.
Mul?umesc ?i sunt recunosc?toare pentru tot.
S., economist wrote on 23 February 2013
Este al treilea seminar de constela?ii familial la care particip ?i sunt uimit? de cat de mult te poate ajuta s? în?elegi mai bine si s? accep?i anumite blocaje sau situa?ii din propria viat?.
A fost un week-end plin de emo?ii ie?ite la suprafa??, sentimente uneori uitate, experien?e precum iertarea sau acceptarea sau reconectarea la propriile r?d?cini. Mul?umesc!
I., economist wrote on 23 February 2013
Admir foarte mult munca lui Claus iar seminariile acestea mi-au schimbat via?a. M? simt foarte încrez?toare în ceea ce se întâmpl? aici. Pentru mine este extraordinar cum deja de dou? ori am reu?it s? m? deschid si s? pot arata unui întreg grup de oameni p?r?i mai întunecate ale sufletului meu. Acest lucru s-a întâmplat datorit? atmosferei, cadrului securizant creat de Claus. Pur ?i simplu ?tiu c? merge ?i de fiecare dat? când vin m? simt în siguran?? s? lucrez chiar pe problema principal? din acest moment. Va mul?umesc din suflet!
A., logoped wrote on 23 February 2013
What I liked the most was the peaceful that you succeeded to create in the group. I was impressed on how heavy situations from the past were brought finally into a good and positive energy. I am one step further in my evolution and just in front of an “ASIA†moment.
Thank you!
P.S. I already know on what I would like to work next time.
M., coach wrote on 23 February 2013
Stringly good forum for healing the deepest soul wound and pain.
M., antreprenor wrote on 23 February 2013
Constela?ia familiei este o metod? de dezvoltare personal? care permite vindecarea rela?iilor. Ce am sim?it în acest spa?iu mi-a redat bucuria de a tr?i ?i mi-a deschis nu una, ci cel pu?in dou?zeci de perspective asupra evenimentelor din via?a mea de pân? acum. Acum privesc cu mai mult? relaxare ?i în?elepciune înainte. Fascina?ia mea pentru trecut a luat sfâr?it.
M., farmacist wrote on 23 February 2013
Seminarul constela?ia familiei este o experien?? de suflet, care te adduce mai aproape de sine, în care te redescoperi ca om; un “exerci?iu†prin care i?i rezolvi problem, blocaje ?i i?i g?se?ti armonia între ce gânde?ti, ce sim?i ?i cum ac?ionezi.
Mii de mul?umiri Claus pentru munca minunat? pe care o faci cu excelen??!
P.S. cu mare drag voi reveni …
A., manager wrote on 23 February 2013
Impresionant. Cald. Emo?ionant. Eliberator. Relevant.
Cuvântul cu care inched aceast? sesiune este “Recuno?tin??†Dup? nici 2 zile am reu?it s? iert ?i am g?sit iertarea. Sunt în pace.
Claus este omul potrivit la momentul potrivit. Interesat, grijuliu, sigur g?se?te calea pe care tu nici nu o b?nuie?ti pentru a te elibera de toate poverile pe care le cuno?ti sau nu.
A., manager wrote on 23 February 2013
Am participat pentru prim? dat? la un astfel de seminar, dup? ce am citit cartea lui Claus. A?tept?rile mele au fost c? m? voi sim?i bine, îmi va face placer s? petrec 2 zile la acest seminar, s? îl întâlnesc pe Claus ?i al?i oameni interesan?i.
A fost mai mult decât am a?teptat, de?i am participat c? ?i observator, am sim?it emo?ii foarte profunde, care au însemnat ?i o cale spre vindecarea unor râni adânci.
Întâlnirea cu Claus a fost o ?ans? unic?, o u?? spre o viat? mai bun?, pe care mi-o doresc pentru mine ?i pentru familia mea. Este un invatator, dedicate celor care îl înconjoar? ?i un îndrum?tor extraordinary spre cunoa?terea de sine. Îi mul?umesc pentru aceasta ?ans?.
B., sociolog wrote on 23 February 2013
After more then one year of therapy I finally understood the dynamics of the relationship I have with my mother. And it seems that today I did a great step towards healing this relationship and also welcoming back a part of my soul that was for so many generations lost. Thank you!
D, advertising executive wrote on 12 October 2012
Family Constellations really works. The effect is visible even as observer. It changes relationships in your life, and the experience of others becomes a kind of wisdom for you. Claus is a great soul, who enriches you and always knows what you need. I am greatful for the opportunity to take from him a little wisdom.
C., economist wrote on 12 October 2012
I attended for the fourth time. This weekend I worked a constellation which helped me to recognize the problems that I have in my family, It shown me exactly what should I work in therapy and what to change. So I understood what my kids want from me. I am greatful to Claus. He is a person who helped me to learn how to live.
O., inginer wrote on 12 October 2012
A deep seminar, I want to say "a solution" for the problems of life, to a new beginning! An absolutely unusual, unique experience, for wich I am thankful to Claus. I'm more than grateful. Keep one doing this job!
A., manager wrote on 12 October 2012
An extraordinary experience, even as an observer. I found myself in almost each constellation and this allowed me to discover extraordinary things about me and to heal myself. Thank you! I'm looking forward to returning.
A., jurist wrote on 12 October 2012
I'm back out of curiosity, but also because, although at a rather mature age (62 years), I'm still not at peace with myself. During the seminar I found that I should make about 5-6 more to put my life in order. At first I did not understood how energies "flow" until I was chosen to be part of a constellation and then I actually felt "something" related to the person I was representing, but everything was linked somehow with my own life. I don't know if it's normal, if everyone feels the same way,that they are actually "filled up" by the person they represent. One over the other was a great experience that I can hardly wait to repeat and certainly I will, in time, the 5-6 constellations to clear my life. Thanks Claus for professionalism, humour and patience.
C., traducator wrote on 12 October 2012
Seminarul Constela?ia familiei m-a ajutat s? devin ce mi-am dorit toat? via?a s? fiu ?i fie nu am ?tiut cum, fie nu am îndr?znit.
Am descoperit c? de?i ?tiam multe lucruri despre mine, nu aveam cum s? ?tiu lucruri legate de familia mea de origine pân? la str?mo?ii mei îndep?rta?i.
De?i uneori ne este greu s? în?elegem, suntem hr?ni?i, alimenta?i de rela?ia cu ace?tia, ei sunt parte din noi la un nivel foarte profund.
Constela?ia familiei m-a ajutat s? scap de frici care uneori m? împiedicau s? func?ionez normal, s? îmi în?eleg trairile sau s? m? bucur de viat?. Acum sunt o persoana mai încrez?toare ?i chiar cred c? pot avea o viat?.
M., trainer & coach wrote on 12 October 2012
Este primul seminar la care particip. Am aflat lucruri uimitoare, am înv??at sau cel pu?in am pl?cerea s? cred c? am înv??at s? m? port cu copiii mei care au 32 ani ?i respectiv 28.
Încerc s? le las spa?iu, s? nu îi mai sufoc cu dragostea mea care uneori este în?eleas? gre?it.
Dup? 2 zile ?i jum?tate petrecute aici am senza?ia c? mi s-a luat un val de pe ochi, v?d lumea, rela?ia mea cu copiii ?i so?ul ?i oameni din jur, diferit, adic? relaxat, uneori chiar entuziast.
Z., casnic? wrote on 12 October 2012
Apreciez seriozitatea, profesionalismul ?i delicate?ea domnului Kostka în procesul terapeutic. În urma lucrului, atât constela?ia mea, cat ?i în celelalte, nu numai c? mi s-au clarificat foarte multe lucruri în minte, dar, la nivel profund, emo?ional, sunt revigorat?, mai clar? ?i mai centrat?. Toat? recuno?tin?? mea.
V., inginer wrote on 12 October 2012
Revelator… pozitiv… benefic
Este incredibil s? po?i creea un grup în care energia s? aib? o for?? atât de mare încât s? ai curajul de “a te dezbrac? la pielea goal?†f?r? s? fii judecat, f?r? s?-?i fie ru?ine, ci dimpotriv? de a te ajut? s?-?i g?se?ti r?spunsurile c?utate. Mul?umesc!
T., economist wrote on 12 October 2012
This healing work through family constellations facilitated by Claus Kostka, which I know since 12 years and which I attended many times, helped me a lot in my personal development path and helped me see from a higher level, which are the steps to take for each of us, on our human development path.
How to take any of these steps without restoring first the order of love?
This method is brilliant and Claus's work is impeccable due to his outstanding intuition combined with his long experience as therapist.
D Z, Biolog, Freiburg wrote on 01 July 2012
In this seminar with Claus I felt and truly understood in what way we, as people, are interconnected and how past generations are influencing our generation and how we, in turn, will impact future generations. Claus is a great facilitator. He has a remarkable intuition, and in his presence things get clarity and decisions become simple to make. In the constellations he facilitates, I saw and I solved very important matters in my life. Another important impact for me was to participate in constellations as representative. It was a lesson of humanity for me to feel feelings which I thought I know and understand but in fact I never felt them at the same level of depth.
To know Claus and to participate in his seminars is for me a personal benefit, to solve personal and family issues and a continuous source of inspiration and wisdom in life.
R D, informatician, 40 ani, Bucuresti wrote on 30 June 2012