„Observarea de sine”
Periodically, on a Monday evening, Good Company organizes public meetings and open talks about various spiritual topics and practices, at Seeds for Happiness. For some of our meetings we invite guests who can tell us form their own experience, about spiritual teachings and practices. Regina will be the guest of our group this evening and we will talk about "Spiritual Friendship", about how such kind of relationship can be a source of richness in teaching, inspiration and communion in our life.
We will watch the movie Darshan, followed by a session of questions and answers. The movie will be subtitled in Romanian language, is produced by in 2007 by Alize Diffusion and shot in 1997, India. This film presents a glimpse of the relationship between Lee Lozowick, an extraordinary American-born spiritual master, and his own master Yogi Ramsuratkumar (1918-2001), a beggar-saint, often described as "the Godchild of Tiruvannamalai."
Regina will present this evening the topics of the 2 workshops she will lead over the following 2 days: "Praying Dangerously" and "Invitation to the Here and Now". What if we would lay down our peace of mind so that our hunger for truth can grow? What if we would lay down our peace of mind if the peace we have achieved has been a false one? What if we would lay ourselves open to the chaos so that the chaos may be redeemed, or blessed?
Praying Dangerously is an invitation to expand the possibilities of prayer within our lives, elevating our desire for personal comfort, security, satisfaction and prosperity to that of a fierce and awesome commitment to life, a commitment to serve and surrender to life as it is. Praying Dangerously is ultimately about a celebration of the highest potentials of the human soul - love, gratitude, communion, selfless service, worship and adoration. "I praise what is truly alive, what longs to be burned to death." - Goethe
The Wonder of Being permeates Reality, and thus offers us a constant invitation to participate in it. Yet, we often miss the Divine Invitation that is available Here and Now in every moment. This Invitation in the Here and Now offers us an opportunity to pay attention, to remember, and to say "Yes" once again. Join Regina to explore and celebrate the nature of genuine spiritual practice as the means to transform the apathy, negativity, judgment, and complaints of life into fuel for the journey "home" within authentic relationship to all things.
Friday, August, 3 between 19,00h - 21,00h: BOOK LAUNCHING ”Conscious Parenting” and SEMINAR PRESENTATION. The book in Romanian can be purchased at the launching event at Seeds for Happiness Center in Bucharest and online at www.goodcompany.ro
Saturday and Sunday, August 4&5, between 10,00h - 17,00h: SEMINAR ”Conscious Parenting and Conscious Relationships”. A seminar to integrate spiritual principles in ordinary life, addressed to parents, teachers, singles, anyone who cares for children and teenagers, as well as students and practitioners of any spiritual path, to anyone who wishes to understand himself and his childhood and who wants to live truly as an grown up individual.
Are you satisfied with the world you live in or you would like things to stay different? The ideal world that we all long for can become a reality. For some it is already a reality, and we are glad that we have the opportunity to learn from them how we can have conscious relations with us, with others, with the world. We want others to assume responsibility towards us and the environment in which we all live, but we know what that truly means? Change actually starts with you. Listen to your true self!
A Consideration for both men and woman about the power of gentle strength and the need for self-acceptance. This evening’s conversation is about “Feminine” - not about “women” or “a particular woman.” The Feminine we will speak about tonight is the feminine principle in creation - a principle of courage, strength, joy, nurturance, gentleness, body, art, forgiveness and the preservation of Life in all its forms. Feminine is what makes Love possible. Without “her”, we all reject, ridicule, and overpower our true nature by aggressive materialism, the need to succeed at the expense of others, and the addiction to immediate comfort. Then, we wonder why we don’t have a friendly regard for ourselves or the world around us.
We are very glad to invite you to the launch of a brand new book published by Good Company: "Self-Observation" written by Red Hawk. We will have the precious company of the author as guest and also Chandrika Taylor and Regina Sara Ryan will join us to celebrate the romanian version of the book. Red Hawk will speak about gaining an inner attention, he will answer questions and sign books.
In the Good Company library you can read the first four chapters and buy the book. You can find the english version and the romanian version
“Know thyself” is the most ancient teaching for awakening—almost every religious and philosophical system recommends it. This practice of learning to “know thyself” is called self observation . . . or self-awareness . . . or self-remembering. Without this self-knowledge as the basis of our lives, we are driven by our habits and respond mechanically to the directions and opinions of others. It is no wonder that life often feels superficial, pointless and deeply unsatisfactory, and that our relationships with others break down so easily.
You can register to this event using the form below.
.... eagerly awaiting your arrival.
A weekend workshop with Red Hawk, Chandrika Taylor & Regina Sara Ryan
“Know thyself” is the most ancient teaching for awakening—almost every religious and philosophical system recommends it. This practice of learning to “know thyself” is called self observation . . . or self-awareness . . . or self-remembering. Without this self-knowledge as the basis of our lives, we are driven by our habits and respond mechanically to the directions and opinions of others. It is no wonder that life often feels superficial, pointless and deeply unsatisfactory, and that our relationships with others break down so easily.
5 Footsteps in a Woman’s Lifelong Pilgrimage. Join author and retreat leader Regina Sara Ryan and a small group of courageous women, pilgrims, as we consider taking five simple (but challenging) footsteps that can transform our journey through life from an unconscious “trip” or “ride” to a heart-centered and intentional pilgrimage.
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” - Lao Tsu
A weekend talk and seminar on work, sex and money - three important aspects of life that we live more or less consciously, each of us, every day. These are extremely sensitive subjects, which many people can speak about but few can provide valuable guidance that really can support us in the turmoil of our daily life.
Guests: Veronique Desjardins and Rose Volckhausen - two women of different spiritual paths, dedicated to studying and practicing ancient Indian teachings.