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„Observarea de sine”

de Red Hawk

Preț : 30 Ron
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Autor: Lee Lozowick

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Bazându-se pe ideea că “ nu poți oferi copilului tău ceea ce tu nu ai “, autorul Lee Lozowick îndeamnă părinții să iși reamintească de responsabilitatea lor de a oferi copiilor un model de valori pozitive în viață și să aibă curajul să recunoască că obiceiurile inconștiente și dorința de confort, putere sau delăsare prejudiciază sănătatea copiilor lor, precum și dezvoltarea, siguranța și fericirea acestora.

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50.00 Ron
Editura: Good Company
Anul aparitiei: 2012

Autor: Red Hawk

Te încurajăm sa faci un cadou frumos, la 2 cărți comandate se mai aplică un discount de 10 %.

Această carte este o examinare în profunzime a procesului, atât de necesar, a "sinelui"- studiu cunoscut sub numele de observare de sine. Numai când "cunoaștem sinele", prin practica de observare de sine, spune autorul, suntem capabili de a fi prezenți în viață cu conștiință autentică. Metodele prezentate aici sunt capabile de a restabili capacitatea unui individ de a acorda o atenție la un instrument complet funcțional și puternic pentru succesul în viață.

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30.00 Ron
Editura: Good Company
Anul aparitiei: 2013

Autor: Philippe Coupey


A Zen monk's commentary on the Fukanzazengi (Universal Guide on the Correct Practice of Zen) by Master Dogen.


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70.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 2006

Autor: Michael R. Connoly & Brie K. Goolbis

Stories of Kids and Teens Who Turned Their Dreams into Action


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90.00 Ron
Editura: Kalindi Press
Anul aparitiei: 2015

Autor: Nadir Baksh, Psy.D. ?i Laurie Murphy, R.N., Ph.D.

Aceast? carte ofer? ajutor imediat ?i clar pentru p?rin?ii, membrii familiei ?i cadrele didactice care sunt furioase, confuze, frustrate, triste, sau la cap?tul ra?iunii în rela?iile cu adolescentii lor. Dincolo de consiliere pentru situa?ii de criz?, "You don't know anything...!" informeaz? p?rin?ii despre factorii de stres c?rora trebuie s? le fac? fa?? adolescen?ii de astazi, ?i sugereaz? modalit??i de a reduce aceste presiuni, atât pentru adul?i cât ?i pentru adolescen?i.

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60.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 2008

Autor: Red Hawk

250 de poezi, curajoase ?i limpezi, de la inestimabilul Red Hawk. El vede condi?ia uman? cu ochii deschi?i, prin prisma experien?ei personale ?i cu o onestitate necru??toare. Coperta este desenata de Gary Simmons.

Poezia lui Red Hawk este apreciat? de mult timp de catre mul?i poe?i, ca?tig?tori ai premiului Pulitzer ?i finali?ti ai National Book Award, pentru onestitatea curajoasa, limbajul clar ?i priceperea des?vâr?it?.


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Din momentul in care ești notificat ca poți cumpara produsul, acesta va fi rezervat pentru tine timp de 14 zile.

70.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 2005

Autor: Lee Lozowick

Uncompromising, Generous and Compassionate
A Legacy of Western Spiritual Master Lee Lozowick

These essays contain the final handwritten teachings of Lee Lozowick (1943-2010) given during the last eighteen months of his life, during which he lived in the crucible of an illness that limited his ability to speak. Yet, he continued to work and teach extensively, traveling in Europe and the U.S. until the last two days of his life.

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90.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 2013

Autor: Lalitha Thomas

Spiritual practice is never something mysterious or alien to ordinary existence. Neither is it defined by difficult exercises or maintained by perfect tranquility. Waking To Ordinary Life speaks directly to the false presumption that our relationship to the Divine, to Spirit, somehow precludes a simple life based in human maturity, dignity and kindness toward others. It casts unrelenting light on how clear-cut spiritual practice actually is, if only we have the courage to choose it.

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75.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 2011

Autor: Vraje Abramian

Following in the footsteps of the Persian mystical poets Rumi, Hafez, Nizami and others, the timeless works in this collection express the poet’s overwhelming devotion to and longing for the Divine Beloved. This is heart-opening poetry of longing and love from the last great poet in the classical Persian tradition. Jami’s poetry seethes with spiritual ardor without being sentimental. His themes are varied, but ultimately lead back to a singular teaching that the Divine is not separate from the one who seeks and loves.


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60.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 2006

Autor: Regina Sara Ryan

“What is woman?” is the question Ryan asks herself as she searches for the “feminine face of God.” This book is the result of that search. Stories of the author’s own compelling journey are intersected and illuminated by those of twenty-four great women of spirit who touched her by their presence or helped guide her, including Irina Tweedie, Mother Tessa Bielecki and Joan Halifax.

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Din momentul in care ești notificat ca poți cumpara produsul, acesta va fi rezervat pentru tine timp de 14 zile.

90.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 1998

Autor: Deben Bhattacharya

This book is a translation of 204 songs, including an extensive introduction to the history and faith of the Bauls of Bengal.Throughout their 600 year history, the Bauls kept no official scriptures. Their spiritual teachings are encoded in the words of their songs / poems.

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100.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 1999

Autor: M.Young

This book traces The Baul Path, a Tantric spiritual tradition, from its earliest roots in the subcontinent of India, to its dissemination in the West in modern times. In the East, for centuries, Baul bards and yogis wandered the dusty roads of Bengal singing and dancing with joy in praise of God. Their poetry-songs uplifted ordinary people, transporting all above the daily grind for survival and into a direct experience of the sublime. Sahaja is the hallmark of the Baul Way, referring to the naturally ecstatic essence of being. According to the Bauls, sahaja nature is inborn, and underlies one's human personality and habitual social conditioning. It is a blueprint of love, beauty, bliss, wisdom and dignity. From the Baul view, to rediscover sahaja is to love God. The outstanding contribution of this book is its first-hand account of the introduction of Baul spirituality to the modern world through the life and work of Khepa Lee Lozowick (1943-2010), an American teacher and the spiritual Heart Son of Yogi Ramsuratkumar, the revered Beggar Saint of Tiruvannamalai, south India. In 2008, M. Young accompanied Khepa Lee to Bengal where they met with eminent Baul gurus and practitioners, many who had long awaited an exchange with their American "brother." On this trip, his band of Western Bauls shared their American rock and blues in a unique interplay between East and West.


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150.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 2014

Autor: Red Hawk

In aceast? colec?ie de 90 de poezii, Red Hawk atinge nervi durero?i într-un spectru de subiecte vitale -- de la copii, natur? ?i familie, Dumnezeu, politic? ?i moarte. Fie ca spune o poveste amuzant? despre el însu?i sau pune sub acuza?ie civiliza?ia vestic?, cuvintele lui Red Hawk sunt mereu precise, deseori nemiloase, dar in final pline de compasiune. Spre deosebire de mu?i poe?i a c?ror munca este inaccesibil? cititorului de rând, poezia lui Red Hawk este scris? pentru toat? lumea.


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70.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 1999

Autor: Lee Lozowick

A concise and straightforward overview of the principles of traditional spiritual practice. Subjects include: the role of a teacher, the optimum disposition of a student, the function of community in 'self'-liberation and many other topics of use to seekers and serious students alike.



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Din momentul in care ești notificat ca poți cumpara produsul, acesta va fi rezervat pentru tine timp de 14 zile.

70.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 1996

Autor: Lee Lozowick

Edited from 20 years of the author's teaching in both the USA and Europe, The Alchemy of Love and Sex articulates the immense conflict and confusion surrounding love, sex, the genders and tantric spirituality. Lozowick provides straightforward but not always comfortable or polite advice for those seeking clarity in their spiritual exploration.

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75.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 1995

Autor: Stephanie Vlahov

With an active, creative child, parents and teachers need to be flexible, energetic and smart! Here is a practical handbook for coping, establishing realistic boundaries and avoiding labels when you have a really inquisitive child.

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Din momentul in care ești notificat ca poți cumpara produsul, acesta va fi rezervat pentru tine timp de 14 zile.

60.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 2005

Autor: Red Hawk

Aceast? carte este o examinare în profunzime a procesului, atât de necesar, a "sinelui"- studiu cunoscut sub numele de observare de sine. Numai când "cunoa?tem sinele", prin practica de observare de sine, spune autorul, suntem capabili de a fi prezen?i în via?? cu con?tiin?? autentic?. Metodele prezentate aici sunt capabile de a restabili capacitatea unui individ de a acorda o aten?ie la un instrument complet func?ional ?i puternic pentru succesul în via??.

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70.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei:

Autor: Red Hawk

Self Remembering: The Path to Non-Judgmental Love -  is a companion piece to the author’s previous book Self Observation: The Awakening of Conscience, which is fast becoming a classic. Taken together, they present the most detailed examination of the practice available in English. Red Hawk clearly points out that self remembering is only one half of a foundational spiritual practice called “self observation/self remembering.”

In stoc
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100.00 Ron
Editura: hohm press
Anul aparitiei: 2015

Autor: Shahram Shiva

In the award-winning Rending the Veil, Shahram Shiva revolutionized the translation of Rumi by making it possible for readers to make their own authentic versions of Rumi's poetry. Now, in RUMI: Thief of Sleep, Shiva has taken selections from Rending the Veil and condensed them into one small, gift-sized edition.

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Din momentul in care ești notificat ca poți cumpara produsul, acesta va fi rezervat pentru tine timp de 14 zile.

50.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 2000

Autor: Jiddu Krishnamurti

Modern quantum physics, most psychological insight, and all religions reveal the interconnectedness of everything in the universe, that everything always affects everything else. Because all life is lived in relationships, it is essential that we understand what a relationship is, and what every movement in relationships can mean to us and everyone else. Put together, all our individual relationships create society. Attention to our own behavior in relationship will recreate the world.

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Din momentul in care ești notificat ca poți cumpara produsul, acesta va fi rezervat pentru tine timp de 14 zile.

80.00 Ron
Editura: Krishnamurti Foundation of America
Anul aparitiei: 2008

Autor: Regina Sara Ryan

The newly revised edition of Praying Dangerously: Radical Reliance on God instructs us that we can grow up spiritually, leaving behind a childish relationship to prayer as a superstitious ritual or mere plea for favors. It encourages readers to recognize the difference between prayer that asks only for reassurance, and prayer that asks for the Ultimate, and stands for transformation.

In stoc
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70.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 2001

Autor: Karuna Fedorschak

Dac? e?ti p?rinte, atunci cuno?ti sentimentul c? exist? unele lucruri pe care le-ai fi putut face mai bine. Dac? urmeaz? s? fii p?rinte, atunci exist? sentimentul de a-?i dori s? faci pentru copilul t?u tot ce po?i mai bine. Cartea "Parenting, A Sacred Task" întâmpin? ambele perspective.

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buc. Cumpară
60.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 2003

Autor: Regina Sara Ryan

This powerful biography introduces the life and teaching work of the contemporary beggar-saint Yogi Ramsuratkumar (1918-2001) who lived on the streets of Tiruvannamalai, India. “Only God” was his creed, and his approach to everyday life. An inspiring mix of storytelling, interviews and fact-finding.

In stoc
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150.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 2004

Autor: Christina Sell

My Body Is a Temple will encourage readers to listen to and honor the body; and to enter more fully into their everyday lives to see that each activity contains a Divine blueprint for success. It will help any yoga student to reclaim the raw materials and energy, always already present, to build his or her body as a temple—to provide refuge and sanctuary for themselves and inspiration for others.

In stoc
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75.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 2011

Autor: Janet Rose

With one foot in the world of social concern and political activism and another in the world of spiritual practice, Journey traces one woman's journey from the world of outer work to the world of inner work.

In stoc
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100.00 Ron
Editura: hohm press
Anul aparitiei: 2013

Autor: Lee Lozowick

This book presents the essential, radical teaching of Lee Lozowick. What does it mean to live God? What is Real Spiritual Life? These questions are answered by Lozowick is the uncompromising context of spiritual truth, and what spiritual practice is and is not.

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60.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 1978

Autor: Nadir Baksh, Psy.D. and Laurie Murphy, R.N., Ph.D.

This book will help parents save their children unnecessary anguish throughout the divorce process. Written by a licensed clinical psychologist, and a nurse and counselor, the authors have a private practice with families, and also work as court-appointed evaluators in child-custody disputes.

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Din momentul in care ești notificat ca poți cumpara produsul, acesta va fi rezervat pentru tine timp de 14 zile.

70.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 2007

Autor: Rei Ryu Philippe Coupey

"In Belly of the Dragon" este un acompaniament critic la Shinjinmei, se scufund? în inima textului ?i reu?este sa transmit? mesajul într-un mod clar ?i accesibil. Lectur? recomandat? pentru orice student Zen serios.

In stoc
buc. Cumpară
90.00 Ron
Editura: American Zen Association
Anul aparitiei: 2005


A collaborative effort by numerous poets, this book offers a glimpse through western eyes into the heart of the renowned mystic poet. Celaleddin Rumi. Ecstatic poetry which celebrates the bittersweet pain and pleasure of a relationship to the beloved.

In stoc
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45.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 1989

Autor: -

Japanese Love Poems.

In stoc
buc. Cumpară
45.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 1994

Autor: Regina Sara Ryan

To ignite the inner life--that intrinsic spiritual dimension of existence--is to make a pilgrimage within-to move from "out there” to "in here” in the orientation of life, work, choices and relationships. This book is directed to those with a focus on spirituality, self-understanding, contemplative prayer, God, or the awakening of the heart's knowledge, regardless of the religious tradition they follow.

In stoc
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70.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 2010

Autor: Lee Lozowick

This book contains teachings from a seminar given in Mexico City by the author, a recognized spiritual teacher, in May 2006. Each chapter/essay covers one or more topics, both practical and esoteric, relative to daily life and spiritual practice. The author speaks about and actively demonstrates what it means to “get real,” in contrast to the illusions of what it means to be “spiritual” in this day and age. Lee Lozowick’s words are compassionate, but often brutally honest and humorous. He confronts the notions that keep his students and listeners stuck in their impractical visions of God or enlightened life. Instead, he encourages a relationship to reality that is characterized by integrity and discipline. A chapter on money is perhaps most surprising. Lozowick touches upon various “laws” relative to money throughout the book and describes money as “the energy of possibility.”

In stoc
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90.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 2013

Autor: Lee Lozowick

This book focuses on core issues related to human suffering: the mind that doesn’t “Know Thyself,” and the emotions that create terrifying imbalance and unhappiness. The author, a spiritual teacher for over 35 years, details the workings of mind and emotions, offering practical interventions for when the mind or emotions are raging out of control.

In stoc
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60.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 2008

Autor: Erica Jen, Lalitha Thomas and Regina Sara Ryan

A unique blend of witty, inspirational, folksy aphorisms written by women, about women, and for women. Sure to delight readers everywhere. A novel gift item.

In stoc
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30.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 1995

Autor: Lee Lozowick & M. Young

Essays on Art, Beauty, Life and Reality As It Is. This book of essays presents the essential teachings of the Western Baul spiritual master Lee Lozowick, with special emphasis on what he has named “Enlightened Duality.” This dynamic spiritual principle suggests that one can combine a firmly-rooted and integrated awareness of the nondual nature of reality (“all is One”), with a lively, conscious relationship to the “duality” (or play of opposites) that characterizes our everyday lives.

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Din momentul in care ești notificat ca poți cumpara produsul, acesta va fi rezervat pentru tine timp de 14 zile.

100.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 2009

Autor: Lee Lozowick

A collection of hidden spiritual teachings from Lee Lozowick, founder of the Western Baul tradition.

In stoc
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40.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 2010

Autor: Lee Lozowick

Invites parents and educators to examine areas of selfishness, ignorance and unconsciousness in their own lives, pointing out how these can jeopardise a child's well-being. This title includes a discussion of conscious conception and continues with a treatment of conscious pregnancy, birth and bonding.

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Din momentul in care ești notificat ca poți cumpara produsul, acesta va fi rezervat pentru tine timp de 14 zile.

90.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 2010

Autor: M. Young

Written in the style of a wayfarer’s journal, this book chronicles the travels and teachings of Western Baul Master, Lee Lozowick, during the summer of 2005, which marked thirty years since the commencement of his teaching work. A Treatise on the Eternal Way.

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Din momentul in care ești notificat ca poți cumpara produsul, acesta va fi rezervat pentru tine timp de 14 zile.

140.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 2006

Autor: Parvathy Baul

Parvathy Baul este o cantareata, pictorita si povestitoare din Bengalul de vest. Totodata este pregatita in ordinul Baul si a studiat arte visuale la Universitatea Kala Bhavan din Shantiniketan. Incepand cu 1965 ea a facut reprezentatii peste tot in regiunea ei natala, Bengal, dar si in India si chiar pe plan international. Muzica ei a incantat auditorii din Statele Unite ale Americii pana in Japonia.

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50.00 Ron
Editura: Ekathara Baul Sangeetha Kalari
Anul aparitiei: 2005

Autor: Regina Sara Ryan

This book fills the important need of helping us survive and even thrive through our necessary “down-time” in recuperating from surgery, trauma, or illness. Whether you are recovering at home or in the hospital for a few days, weeks, or even months, this book will be your guide to a more balanced and even productive recovery.

In stoc
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70.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 2003
